Ahh, Thrips! How To Control Thrips On Peppers

Thrips are small insects that can destroy entire pepper crops, but there are ways to control them. Thrips prefer a cooler night and morning temperatures of 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit as this is when they fly around the plants most frequently.,

Thrips are a type of insect that can be found on peppers. There are many different ways to control thrips, but the best way is through pesticides.

Ahh, Thrips! How To Control Thrips On Peppers

Pests will ultimately locate your plants, no matter how diligent you are as a gardener. Thrips are one of the most well-known and widely distributed insect pests. They may damage plants both inside and outdoors, and they reproduce quickly.

It is up to you how you deal with pests, however we prefer to utilize natural solutions wherever feasible. So, in this post, we’ll go through a few safe ways to get rid of thrips.

Thrip larvae on pepper leafThrips are tiny insects. On the pepper leaf, there are two thrips larvae.

Thrips Management

We’ll start by assuming you have thrips on your plants. These are some of the strategies you may use to eliminate thrips from your garden, or at the very least minimize their number. Keep in mind that thrips are very difficult to remove entirely, but these precautions may help lessen the harm they do.

Using a manual sprayer, remove them.

Spraying the plants with water is one of the initial steps in thrips control. If you have indoor plants, gently transport them to the shower or the kitchen sink. Spray all of the leaves, top and bottom, with a fairly forceful stream.

Thrips have a poor grip on foliage and are readily pushed off. They, too, respond to disturbance by falling off the leaves.

Use a lint roller to trap the thrips if your plant’s leaves are thick and tough (such as a monstera, snake plant, or succulents). This helps to get rid of any tiny larvae that are hard to notice.

Adult thrip closeup on pepper stemA thrip on a pepper stem is seen up close.

This water spraying strategy significantly reduces the number of larval and adult thrips. However, there are certainly eggs in the plant tissue that will hatch into new thrip larvae in the near future.

Obtain Predatory Insects by Attracting or Purchasing Them

Thrips are consumed by a variety of insects. Green lacewings, minute pirate bugs, and predatory mites are among them. These may be purchased online or, much better, lured to the garden by using companion plants.

Begin by growing flowers in your yard to attract a variety of useful insects. Alyssum, tansies, cosmos, yarrow, and other asters are also good choices. The more diversity you have, the more chance you’ll have of attracting a diverse range of local insects to help you monitor your plants.

Insecticidal Soap should be sprayed (Get on Amazon)

If you’re in a circumstance where predatory insects aren’t an option (like inside), you may have to use pesticides. I only advocate spraying if you’re inside and don’t want to kill any helpful insects!

Insecticidal soap, for example, may help eliminate a range of pests, including thrips, aphids, and whiteflies. However, many helpful insects will be killed by these sprays. As a result, it is not the first item you should attempt.

Thrip on pepper plant leafOn the leaf of a pepper plant, there is a thrip.

Keep in mind that many of the soaps are concentrated and will need to be diluted with water. If you wish to spray with soap, this is the most cost-effective option.

Note that dish soap and insecticidal soap are not the same thing. Insecticidal soap has been specially developed to protect your plants while destroying a wide variety of insects.

Spinosad is a pesticide that may be used to kill insects (Get on Home Depot)

Finally, we’ve had terrific success spraying spinosad against thrips. This is a chemical generated by a soil bacteria that has been shown to kill several plant-eating insects. It’s also known for not harming many helpful insects that don’t eat on plants.

Note that bees may be killed by spinosad if they eat pollen or nectar that has been treated. When bees are active, avoid spraying spinosad compounds.

Thrips Prevention and Control

After a thrip infestation, indoor growers are often forced to start anew. Use these measures to prevent thrips infestations in the future.

Indoor Soil Sterilization

Thrips are most likely to enter your indoor grow area via the soil. They deposit eggs directly in plant tissue, although they may also overwinter by laying eggs in the soil.

Consider sterilizing a fresh bag of soil for your indoor plants the next time you buy one. After all, potting soil is not actual soil, and it lacks the “living soil” composition seen in in-ground garden beds. It may protect you against thrips, aphids, whiteflies, and fungus gnats, among other pests.

To sterilize soil, follow these steps:

  • Bring water to a boil.
  • Pour straight into the potting soil.
  • Stir vigorously with a big spoon, being careful not to burn yourself.

Thrip larva on underside of pepper leafThrips larva on bottom of leaf.

Some gardeners propose sanitizing the soil by roasting it, although this seems risky. If you insist on baking your soil, keep an eye on it and maintain the temperature low enough to prevent the contents from combusting.

Check for thrips damage on nursery plants.

Another typical source of thrips infection is that gleaming new plant you bought home from the nursery. On more than one occasion, we’ve linked insect outbreaks to particular nursery plants!

Thrips damage on pepper leafDamage to a pepper leaf caused by thrips.

While thrip larvae may not be visible on plants, watch for the harm they do. Black specks are often strewn throughout these little white spots. If you see this, get out of there! It’s more than probable that the whole nursery has a problem, therefore it’s better to be cautious than sorry.

For young plants, use a row cover fabric.

It’s a different story for outside gardeners. Companion flowers should definitely be planted to attract predatory insects. To keep thrips away from your young seedlings, you may use a floating row cover or insect cloth.

Insects, as well as small animals like rabbits and mice, are deterred by the use of a covering. Our peppers are covered with row cover for the first few weeks outside, but some plants may be covered for the rest of their lives.

Don’t Fertilize Too Much

Thrips eat the leaves straight. Avoid overfertilizing your plants with nitrogen-rich fertilizer, since this is thought to increase the growth of thrips. Stick to a timetable and err on the side of caution rather than excess.

Mulch With A Light Color

Finally, consider mulching your vegetable garden with a light-colored or reflecting material. Flying thrips will be confused by the bright material (typically silver or white) and will avoid landing on your plants. Plastic “mulches” are available, or you may use a brightly colored natural mulch like straw.

I hope this article has helped you with Thrips Management on your plants. No pest outbreak is fun, but understanding the best course of action is an important skill to learn. Never panic, and learn to prevent it next time!

Calvin Thumbnail


One of the first s! Calvin enjoys traveling and performing music when he isn’t gardening or learning more about peppers and botany.

Thrips are tiny insects that feed on plants and cause damage to peppers. Thrips can be controlled by using a few methods, including pesticides, beneficial insects, and cultural practices. Reference: thrips damage symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you kill thrips on vegetables?

A: Thrips are worms that feed on plants and cause a lot of damage. The best way to get rid of thrips is to spray the plant with water from a hose or garden hose, then scrub it off with your hands until all the dirt comes off and youve killed any leftover bugs.

What is the best treatment for thrips?

A: The best treatment for thrips is to use a mixture of insecticidal soap and water in an area with no pets or people.

How do you get rid of thrips on pepper plants?

A: If the thrips are on your plants, spray them with a mixture of 1 tablespoon neem oil and 2 cups water.

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  • thrips on pepper plants